SunburstLots of gorgeous early summer wildflowers along the trails.
One of the many skinks on the park boardwalk.Cradle Mountain NP
The Kangaroos are Mighty Strong in TasmaniaActually, there are only Wallaby types in Tassie and this is a warning to drive carefully as you may hit one.
Pretty waterfall on the property of Lemonthyme Lodge.Tasmania is the land of big trees, waterfalls and hydroelectric schemes.
Don't pick these poppies!!Tasmania is the world's largest producer of opium alkaloids. Who knew?!
Another gorgeous wildflower
yet another interesting bloom
Now who takes their cat for a walk ???
Rocky Cape NPIn the remote northwest corner of the island.
wild weather hikingLake St. Claire NP
Snow GumsLake St. Clair NP
giant steel pipelines - part of the central highlands hydro-electric scheme